RateGain is committed to create a sustainable planet with the power of our people and our products ad continuously monitor the effect we have on our planet and maximize our future.
- Integrating Environmental considerations into our all areas of operations, considering our environmental risks, responsibilities and organizational capability.
- Meeting all applicable Environmental laws of the land and other requirements applicable to the organization.
- Reducing our Ecological footprint through optimized utilization of natural resources including land, water and by ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout our operations including conserving energy, improving energy efficiency, and giving preference to renewable over non- renewal energy wherever feasible.
- Introducing more sustainable and green procurement approaches.
- Preventing pollution and minimizing all types of waste, including E-waste by adopting Reduce- Reuse- Recycle philosophy.
- Being an environmentally responsible neighbor in the community where we operate, and correct incidents or conditions that endanger the environment and by committing ourselves to open and constructive engagement with communities surrounding our operations on environmental matters.
- Providing a framework for setting and reviewing Environmental objectives and targets.
- Continually improving and learning from our efforts in working towards Environmental Sustainability.
- Monitoring and reporting our environmental performance to key stakeholders.
- Ensuring and Environmental Policy is communicated to all the concerned persons working for or on behalf of the organization to make them aware of their Environmental responsibilities and by making our Environmental Policy available to all stake holders including public on demand.
- Maintaining appropriate controls, including periodic review of Environmental Policy, to ensure its applicability and relevance to the changing scenarios and stake holder´s expectations.